Reconnect with your

Wild Heart

Embody Joy, Purpose, and Presence

Develop self leadership, intuition, and inner wisdom

Experience a felt sense of relating to life differently

Equine guided therapy and coaching

for deep thinkers & deep feelers longing for meaningful space to slow down and practice being instead of doing

facilitated by Caitlin Spencer LCSW-C


  • Therapy

    As a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW-C), I offer mental health therapy with experience in the following:

    • Trauma Recovery

    • Anxiety

    • Depression

    • Grief & Loss

    • Major Life Transitions (parenting, moving, career shifts, graduating, etc)

    • Chronic Stress

    • Eating Disorder Recovery support

    • Body Image and Self Esteem

  • Coaching

    For those on a healing or personal growth journey I offer support in the following areas:

    • Self Care and Life Balance

    • Relationships with self and others

    • Leadership and Self-Leadership development

    • People Pleasing

    • Perfectionism

    • Boundary Setting

    • Identity exploration

    • Creating meaning and purpose with intention

    • Embodiment, Empowerment, Self-Confidence

It’s not natural to live in a perpetual state of discontent and anxiety. 

Yet, this seems to be your experience lately. Your life feels incompatible with the way you dream about feeling in your wildest heart. Many days are spent going through the motions, bobbing along the surface hoping you don’t get pulled under. On these days you wonder if your vision of the life you’ve dreamed is merely a mirage in the desert…but you don’t believe so… something tells you there’s more.

The thing is, you’ve done so many of the “right” things. You’ve managed to accomplish a lot so far in this life, and by most measures you’d be considered a success! You’re no stranger to the concept of self care (even if a regular practice is hard to maintain)… you’ve even gone to therapy!

But, you’re still feeling caged in by this life you’ve built, unable to sink into peace, joy, love… you know… the good stuff that always seems out of reach.  It seems like you are unable to feel these states in your body- perhaps it feels hard to be in your body at all. And then there are your thoughts, constantly urging you to DO more or be something that you’re not.

Working together we can thoughtfully navigate the patterns in your life that you’d like to deconstruct, while deepening your capacity for the stuff your life is missing- connection, fulfillment, ease, a sense of something greater to anchor into.  Shedding the layers of all-too-human dysfunction and rooting into that something that calls to you.

You might want a guide to accompany you step by step along this path, helping to light the way and empower you as you journey home to yourself.  That’s where I come in.

The horses and I are ready… the question is, are you?

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

-Mary Oliver

Welcome, fellow soul searcher.

I’m so glad you’ve landed here.

I’m Caitlin. I’m a professional deep diver of the human psyche and equine guided clinician inspired to help you experience a more profound connection with the things you value most.

Have you found yourself wondering what our work together might lead to? Does it scare you a little? Good! Let’s ease into that together and see what magic stirs there. I believe that on the other side of that resistance lies your power.

I partner with horses to help people like you settle into their bodies, rewild their souls, and live the life they have imagined. Together we can work on developing your nervous system’s capacity through somatic techniques, integrate self leadership skills, make peace with the inner critic, and experience a felt sense of being present and connected to self, other and the Earth.

I’m committed to creating a healing space for you to get in touch with the parts of yourself that you’ve lost along the way, whether due to trauma, the chaos of modern life, or something in between!

It’s time to (re)connect to your greater purpose

What makes my approach different?

  • Horses are sentient beings that embody many wisdoms, partly born of their nature as prey animals. In our partnership they are not objects or tools as you may find in some forms of equine assisted therapeutic interventions. They are co-facilitators. Their wisdom impacts all levels of the growth work I facilitate regardless of if we are in the paddock with them, or on a zoom call. They are holding space for you, too.

  • Over time, humans have begun to consider ourselves somehow separate from nature. As mammals and rather impactful members of our ecosystems, this never made sense to me. Together we will look at reclaiming parts of our natural self that we have abandoned in order to function in our modern society. We can look at reclaiming rhythms of nature as part of our own connection to the world around us. The sun, the moon, the earth we stand on, the beings we share this planet with. In our work, nothing is off limits as you feel into what kind of healing support system you would like to call in.

  • We’ve been conditioned to distrust ourselves as natural born healers and capable beings. We turn outwards to voices of authority to figure out how to think, feel, behave. I believe that we have a sense of innate inner knowing waiting to be returned to. You are worthy of understanding your body, learning to navigate your nervous system, and owning your self leadership skills along your life’s path. You are your own heroine. You are your best healer. You are the expert in your lived experience. Let’s work together to reclaim these identities!

I’m currently accepting 1:1 clients for therapy and coaching.

The first step is to contact me for a free consultation!

If you are a horseperson who is seeking a better relationship with your horse, or are working through a traumatic incident that effects your presence with your horse, please contact me about customizable options to work together.

If you feel called to work with me but are not accessible to the Baltimore area, let’s talk! Send me an email at to schedule a consultation.

Join the email list below to be updated about future offerings, including community, group, and intensive services.

No horse experience necessary!

This is powerful stuff. If you’ve been feeling stuck sitting in a traditional therapy office- talking in circles without knowing how to put the pieces in motion, we should talk. There’s a chance that there is a part of the equation missing that would help things fall into place, and that piece of the puzzle could be a more body based, experiential component to enhance your personal growth journey.

In the meantime, click here to learn more about horses and how partnering with them in our personal growth work leads to deeper and more expansive outcomes. I can’t wait to tell you all about it!

Partnered with Horses.

Rooted in Nature.